Worship Ministries


Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild, in monthly rotation, “set the table” for the Eucharist at each Sunday service and then after the service wash and put away the vessels and linens. If you feel called to this ministry, please speak to Father Di.

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Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Lay Readers

Also referred to as chalice bearers, lay eucharistic ministers assist in the distribution of communion to the parishioners at Sunday and other services. Ministers are required to take a course through the Diocese of Long Island. Lay readers read from the Old Testament and the Epistles at Sunday and other services and also lead the Prayers of the People. If you feel called to either ministry, please speak to Father Di. 



Acolytes, or servers, assist on the altar during services. They carry the cross (serve as crucifers) and assist with the offering of the gifts of bread and wine. Again, please speak to Father Di if you feel called.